MQTT 消费者 Telegraf 输入插件

免费使用此 InfluxDB 集成

MQTT 是一种机器对机器(M2M)/物联网通信协议,设计为轻量级的发布/订阅消息工具。MQTT 适用于需要小资源占用和/或网络带宽有限的情况。MQTT 由 IBM 的 Andy Stanford-Clark 博士和 Arcom 的 Arlen Nipper 于 1999 年创建。当时,IBM 正在与一家石油和天然气公司合作,需要从偏远地区的石油管道中提取数据,这需要一种新的协议来满足这些需求。结果是 MQTT。

IBM 内部使用了 MQTT,直到他们在 2010 年发布了 MQTT 3.1 规范,允许其他人创建自己的 MQTT 实现。开发人员很快意识到 MQTT 对于物联网相关用例的价值,其采用率迅速增长,创建了众多开源代理和客户端库。2013 年,IBM 将 MQTT 提交给 OASIS 以进行维护和标准化。

为什么要使用 MQTT 消费者 Telegraf 输入插件?

Telegraf 使您能够轻松收集 MQTT 数据,而无需编写自定义脚本来连接到您的 MQTT 代理。Telegraf 还可以轻松处理和转换在发送到数据库进行存储之前交付的 MQTT 消息。使用 Telegraf 和 MQTT 的另一个好处是 40 多个输出插件。这意味着您可以将 MQTT 数据发送到几乎任何数据存储,甚至同时发送到多个数据存储。

如何使用 MQTT 消费者 Telegraf 输入插件

MQTT 消费者 Telegraf 输入插件易于设置和快速运行。您只需配置 Telegraf YAML 配置文件。以下是包含所有可用配置选项的基本示例

# Read metrics from MQTT topic(s)
  ## Broker URLs for the MQTT server or cluster.  To connect to multiple
  ## clusters or standalone servers, use a separate plugin instance.
  ##   example: servers = ["tcp://"]
  ##            servers = ["ssl://"]
  ##            servers = ["ws://"]
  servers = ["tcp://"]

  ## Topics that will be subscribed to.
  topics = [

  ## The message topic will be stored in a tag specified by this value.  If set
  ## to the empty string no topic tag will be created.
  # topic_tag = "topic"

  ## QoS policy for messages
  ##   0 = at most once
  ##   1 = at least once
  ##   2 = exactly once
  ## When using a QoS of 1 or 2, you should enable persistent_session to allow
  ## resuming unacknowledged messages.
  # qos = 0

  ## Connection timeout for initial connection in seconds
  # connection_timeout = "30s"

  ## Maximum messages to read from the broker that have not been written by an
  ## output.  For best throughput set based on the number of metrics within
  ## each message and the size of the output's metric_batch_size.
  ## For example, if each message from the queue contains 10 metrics and the
  ## output metric_batch_size is 1000, setting this to 100 will ensure that a
  ## full batch is collected and the write is triggered immediately without
  ## waiting until the next flush_interval.
  # max_undelivered_messages = 1000

  ## Persistent session disables clearing of the client session on connection.
  ## In order for this option to work you must also set client_id to identify
  ## the client.  To receive messages that arrived while the client is offline,
  ## also set the qos option to 1 or 2 and don't forget to also set the QoS when
  ## publishing.
  # persistent_session = false

  ## If unset, a random client ID will be generated.
  # client_id = ""

  ## Username and password to connect MQTT server.
  # username = "telegraf"
  # password = "metricsmetricsmetricsmetrics"

  ## Optional TLS Config
  # tls_ca = "/etc/telegraf/ca.pem"
  # tls_cert = "/etc/telegraf/cert.pem"
  # tls_key = "/etc/telegraf/key.pem"
  ## Use TLS but skip chain & host verification
  # insecure_skip_verify = false

  ## Data format to consume.
  ## Each data format has its own unique set of configuration options, read
  ## more about them here:
  data_format = "influx"

  ## Enable extracting tag values from MQTT topics
  ## _ denotes an ignored entry in the topic path
  # [[inputs.mqtt_consumer.topic_parsing]]
  #   topic = ""
  #   measurement = ""
  #   tags = ""
  #   fields = ""
  ## Value supported is int, float, unit
  #   [[inputs.mqtt_consumer.topic.types]]
  #      key = type


您的 MQTT 消息将被转换为类似于以下行协议

mqtt_consumer,host=pop-os,topic=telegraf/host01/cpu value=45i 1653579140440951943

mqtt_consumer,host=pop-os,topic=telegraf/host01/cpu value=100i 1653579153147395661


默认情况下,您的 MQTT 消息将仅存储 MQTT 主题作为标签值。如果您想要对附加字段进行标记和查询,可以使用 Telegraf 解析 MQTT 消息并创建标签。以下是一个示例

  ## Broker URLs for the MQTT server or cluster.  To connect to multiple
  ## clusters or standalone servers, use a separate plugin instance.
  ##   example: servers = ["tcp://"]
  ##            servers = ["ssl://"]
  ##            servers = ["ws://"]
  servers = ["tcp://"]

  ## Topics that will be subscribed to.
  topics = [

  ## Data format to consume.
  ## Each data format has its own unique set of configuration options, read
  ## more about them here:
  data_format = "value"
  data_type = "float"

    topic = "telegraf/one/cpu/23"
    measurement = "_/_/measurement/_"
    tags = "tag/_/_/_"
    fields = "_/_/_/test"
      test = "int"

使用 Telegraf 处理器插件

Telegraf 提供了许多处理器插件,可以在将数据存储在 InfluxDB 之前进一步转换您的数据。以下是一个使用 Pivot 处理器插件的示例,将单个值度量转换为多个度量




sensors,site=CLE,version=v1,device_name=device5,field=temp value=390
sensors,site=CLE,version=v1,device_name=device5,field=rpm value=45.0
sensors,site=CLE,version=v1,device_name=device5,field=ph value=1.45

如果您使用以下配置与 Pivot 处理器一起使用

    topics = "/sensors/#"
        measurement = "/measurement/_/_/_/_"
        tags = "/_/site/version/device_name/field"
    tag_key = "field"
    value_key = "value"


sensors,site=CLE,version=v1,device_name=device5 temp=390,rpm=45.0,ph=1.45

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