学习Flux (#fluxlang) 与学习API一样困难
作者:Paul Dix / 开发者,产品
// Here are some basic parts of the language. This is a comment
// you can assign variables, like a string
s = "this is a string"
// or an int64
i = 1
// or a float64
f = 2.0
// or an object
o = {foo: "bar", asdf: 2.0, jkl: s}
// now access one of those properties
foo = o.foo
asdf = o["asdf"]
// you can also create an object with a shorthand notation
// where key will be the same as variable names
o = {s, i, f}
// equivalent to o = {s: s, i: i, f: f}
// here's an array
a = ["a", "b", "c"]
// here's a duration
d = 2h10m5s
// they're actually represented as seconds, days, and months.
// this is because those units can vary with time zones, Gregorian
// calendar and all that. Here's one with months and days
d = 1mo7d
// here's a time
t = 2018-08-28T10:20:00Z
// define a function that takes argument named n. Flux only has
// named arguments (no positional ones)
square = (n) => {
// the standard math operators are in the language
return n * n
// call that function
num = square(n: 23)
// or if a function is one statement you can exclude the braces
square = (n) => n * n
// Now let's do a query. The functions in this query work
// with a stream of data. The stream is made up of tables
// that have columns and records (like in CSV).
// Conceptually, functions are applied to each table in
// the stream
// start with getting data from the InfluxDB server telegraf DB
from(host: "", bucket:"telegraf/default")
// here's the pipe-forward operator. It says to send the
// output of the previous function to the next one (range)
// range will filter by time. You can also pass start as
// a time, so functions have polymorphic arguments
|> range(start:-1h)
// now filter specific data. Here we pass an anonymous function.
// note that brackets and a return statement aren't required if
// the function is a single statement. Also note that we have
// comparison and boolean operators
|> filter(fn: (r) => r._measurement == "cpu" and r.host == "serverA")
// now group all records from all rows into a table for
// each region and service that we have. This converts
// however many tables we have into one table for each
// unique region, service pair in the data.
|> group(keys: ["region", "service"])
// now compute some aggregates in 10 minute buckets of time.
// each of these aggregates will get applied to each table.
// Note that we're passing in an array of function pointers.
// That is min, max, and mean are all functions that are
// pipe-forwardable and can be applied to streams.
|> applyWindow(aggregates: [min, max, mean], every: 10m)
// And we can iterate over the rows in a table and add or
// modify the returned result with the map function. This
// will add a new column in every table called spread.
|> map(fn: (r) => {return {spread: r.max - r.min}})
// Return output of the function chain as a stream called
// "result". This isn't necessary if only one function
// chain in the script.
|> yield(name:"result")
// Finally, here's how we can define a function
// that is pipe-forwardable:
// Filter the stream to a specific set of measurements. This
// can be used with other filter functions and they'll combine.
filterMeasurements = (names, tables=<-) {
return tables |> filter(fn: (r) => r._measurement in names)
// Note that tables=<- defines a parameter called tables that
// can be passed in as a function argument, or pipe-forwarded
// from another function.
// Now we can call to it through a pipe-forward operation
from(bucket:"telegraf/default") |> range(start: 2018-08-27)
|> filterMeasurements(names: ["cpu", "mem"])
|> yield(name:"cpu_mem")
// Or we can pass the tables input as an argument like this
filterMeasurements(names: ["cpu", "mem"], tables: (
|> range(start:2018-07-27)
|> yield(name:"cpu_mem")
对我个人来说,我在2001年和2008年学习了SQL,并且我可以肯定地说,我已经忘记了我现在知道的SQL。比基本的SELECT、INNER JOIN、WHERE和HAVING语句更复杂的任何东西都需要查阅文档和参考资料。所以,尽管我已经“知道”SQL,但在实际完成任务时,这对我的帮助很小。我认为,大量的程序员都处于同样的境地。
在未来几个月内,我们将发布Flux的早期版本,这些版本更适合每个人的使用。我们将将其包含在InfluxDB 1.7的开源版本中,InfluxDB 2.0的alpha版本,以及一个可以像Ruby或Python解释器一样运行的独立Flux可执行文件中。在此期间,您可以查看Flux特定问题、Flux语言规范、更多我们构建Flux的动机,或我在6月InfluxDays伦敦发表的Flux演讲。